Friday, May 18, 2007

Friday, May 18th

So Alex was feeling better until the wee morning hours when his cough came back with a vengeance. While waiting to go to treatment he looked as sick as he did yesterday morning. I said to him, "you know, I bet today will be a lot like yesterday, and you'll start feeling better soon." Alex replied in a very soft voice, "I hope." Well that broke my heart. I wanted to cry right then and actually have felt like crying all morning.

I just called the clinic to see when his MRI was scheduled for next week. They still don't have it through the insurance stage yet. Hopefully, we'll hear something today. I was disheartened to hear that cough back this morning. I want Alex well NOW!! Hasn't he been through enough?

Okay, I'll stop now. Hopefully, my yoga will help me this morning gain some stress relief and perspective.

God bless,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have every right to feel all of these feelings you have. Especially the anger. I wish I knew you better to be able to give you an outlet to just scream, yell and cry all you needed. I hope the yoga helps out today, and hope your weekend is filled with more laughter than worry.
