Thursday, May 24, 2007


So guess who has an ear infection? Zoe Grace, that's who! In addition to a prescription, I also got a big, purple, "Horrible Mother" stamp on my forehead!! Poor child, she only gave me one or two or a thousand clues!! I don't know when this stamp will wash off, I may have to wear it all weekend if I don't bathe.

I also wanted to put out a "save the date" notice to everyone. Two incredible women are planning two separate fundraising events for Alexander. The first one will be at the Lakewood Country Club on the evening of July 27th. The second will be a family oriented pancake breakfast at Jackson Park in Lakewood on August 4th from 9a to noon. Each event will have silent auction associated with it. If anyone has items and/or services for the August 4th event's silent auction, please let me know. I can't believe how generous the world is. The human spirit is incredible in its breadth and depth to love and ignite love. We feel very blessed to have these women in our lives as well as each of you readers. Your thoughts and positive energy are felt across the miles. Thank you all for EVERYTHING!!

So today has been okay. Zoe had a hard night and I am exhausted but hoping she will be asleep soon. Roxie is getting fixed right now and will be home in a few hours. So far we don't really have any plans for the weekend, but I bet Shrek 3 is going to be in it.

Hope your holiday is wonderful!

God bless!


Anonymous said...

That big purple "horrible mother" stamp is a bitch, however it has a great clause that states that any mother who has recently been through hell is thoroughly exempt for a period of no less than 6 months. Further more the exemption is good until the end of one year of said difficulty, AND complete removal of said "stamp" upon completion of probationary period (deep sleep with or without the use of (really really good)drug(ssss) with good behavior!
If it doesn't feel washed off after the weekend see your dermatologist or wear extra make-up! :)

P.S. The women doing the fund raising sound incredible!

love & hugs,

Anonymous said...

Ditto to what Tina said. I think you are doing a fabulous job from what I read from the outside.


Anonymous said...

It looks like that purple stamp is pretty busy, because I took my Alex to the doctor yesterday (after two weeks of him complaining on and off that his ear hurt). Lo and behold, he has an ear infection! Aaahh, the joys of negligent parenting! :) Have a good time at Shrek 3 this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gwen,
Jackson had eight ear infections. After the third, I decided any diagnostic problems were his fault. You know, "why didnt you tell me that your ear hurt" and "you know when you have an ear infection, don't you." I felt better as a parent almost immediately. I expect some payback from Jackson in my declining years, but til then no forehead stamps for daddy.