Monday, May 21, 2007

Monday, May 21st

Good Morning,

Well, Alex is having his final radiation treatment right now. I feel relief and fear at this moment. I have worn my most cheerful outfit today, just so I could look springy and have happy colors on me. Last night we made two batches of my special milk chocolate chip, walnut cookies for all of the staff that have helped us. As I walk in today, I realize there are alot more folks who have been there for us on this journey than I made cookies for. I sure hope I don't make anyone upset because we don't have enough cookies. Hopefully, the others will share.

Anyway, after this we head to Children's for his final vincristine infusion, blood draws, doctor visit. Then Alex has been invited to participate in the "Flashes of Hope" program. These folks come to the clinic monthly and take pics of the kids that then are provided to the family with all of the rights to the pics too. I was hoping to have Zoe with us today, but since she has pinkeye, I could not bring her to the clinic. So after pics, Alex will head down to radiology at 11a and the MRI starts at noon. It should take 45-60 minutes, so I expect to know something around 2pm today.

I'm doing my best to stay positive but actually a numbness has fallen over me. This is a life changing day (as Dr. Phil would say).

Well, dumbness comes with numbness which means I can't think of anything else to write. I'll be going now. Thank you all for your prayers and positive thoughts. We do love the comments so.

God bless and have a wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

You are doing the absolute best that can be expected in this situation, Gwen. My thoughts and prayers are still coming strong, and will continue throughout the day. All my best to you and your family...

Anonymous said...

You sound to be handling this with grace. Great Job!! Good luck you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gwen! I just went down to look for you guys to give you a big hug during this stressful waiting time, but I am sure that you are in a treatment room. Know that I am thinking of you guys and praying for only positive outcomes. Talk to you soon :)