Thursday, May 03, 2007

Thursday, May 3rd

Good Morning! Zoe had a fantastic birthday. Thanks to None and the rest of us, she got a beautiful doll house decked out with all kinds of cool furniture and a family of six! She loves opening and closing the shutters on all the windows and tried desperately to remove the second roof panel. I guess she likes the tornado look! SHe also got some wonderful outfits from friends and family. Zoe has grown up but not out and is starting to look like a geek in her pants, so she is very happy to have new clothes! Thank you everyone!

Well, the blessings just keep coming. Diane, thank you for the letter. I was able to get to the top of page two before the tears started flowing then Zoe woke up and I estimate it will take me about a week to finish. So far it is very lovely and such a gift, thank you!

Also, our neighbor wrote a letter to Alex's school community that was very sweet. She is trying to collect funds for tuition. She told me a story about a mom that called her yesterday. This mother works as a waitress in her parents restaurant and promised to give all her earnings for the day to the Alex fund. Can you believe that? It is such a wonderful gift to us all to know that people are so kind and generous. Crissy did this as a surprise for us and I only found out because I went to register Alex for before/after school care next year and stopped in to see his teacher, Mr. Matt. Mr Matt told me about the letter. While I was reading it, I had to fight back the tears. This is such a kinder world than what we are led to believe on the television and in the print media. I wish that were not the case.

Well, Alex is doing fabulously!! I can't say it enough. He looks great, smiles alot!! And sleeps through the night. He enjoys coloring ALOT and except for Monday has very good days this week. MOndays are hard for him as they are for most of us!

I have to tell a tale about the other night. AFter we took Linda out for sushi (she was craving it) we came home and put the kids to bed. It was late! Anyway, about 20 minutes later, Alex is calling me. I go in and he asks, "Mom, what happens after treatments?" I was taken aback but answered that after four weeks they will take another picture of his big brain and then "I don't know what will happen". He paused, and asked if he would be asleep while they took the picture. I said "of course". Then I tucked him in, gave him a kiss and wished him a good night. He has not mentioned it again. Isn't that amazing? Alex is so very smart. I am trying to teach him to not worry, and ruin this day with something that is not happening until another day. It's a waste of a perfectly good day! We'll see!

Another adorable thing that happens at bedtime. Alex says to me "Mom, I'll come snuggle with you later". This is said in a very reassuring tone and always brings a smile to my face. He loves to sleep in our bed and he always grabs my arm and puts it over his body just so.

Okay, I better go. Alex should be done any minute.

God bless you all for your prayers and kind thoughts. They really do make a difference!

Make it a great day!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the smiles and stories, these will give you something to look back for years to come and always be a special treasure.

Anonymous said...

All moms love those snuggles--so precious, and I also love the reassuring tone. There is an innate need for a little boy to protect his mommy, and I love that. We all had a blast at the birthday party, and Jackson announced on the way home that it was the 'funnest party he had ever been to'.